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The MSc in Augmented Textual Studies: Text Encoding and Text Mining has been incorported as a separate specialization in the MSc in Digital Humanities. Contact: dh[at]uoa[dot]gr.


The aim of the MSc in Augmented Textual Studies: Text Encoding and Text Mining is to offer scientific expertise and to be a starting point for the development and expansion of research in Textual Studies, which is an evolving and of significant scientific, social and economic importance domain. In particular the MSc aims to contribute to the post graduate studies and the research in following areas:

  1. Digitization and management of textual content.
  2. Technologies and methods for linguistic data.
  3. The environment and the processes for the production of digital documents and their circulation in the Internet.
  4. The encoding of the texts across the range of levels of their linguistic analysis.
  5. Text mining and the semantic annotation of texts.
  6. The life cycle of the curatiion of the information contained in the texts, ensuring integrity, preservation and long-term access.

The MSc in Augmented Textual Studies: Text Encoding and Text Mining is organized by the following Departments of the Faculty of Science of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens:

Department of Digital Industry Technologies
Department of History and Philosophy of Science


The duration of study is four (4) academic semesters.
The Curriculum includes three (3) semesters dedicated to courses. The 4th semester is devoted entirely to the preparation of a master's thesis.
The language of instruction is Greek and/or English.




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